January 1, 2012

Weapons and policy

Out of the blue the United States announce that he has concreted the sale of several F-15 to Arabia Saudi in a deal which closed on december 24, just in case you have any doubts about  the relation and importance of the bussiness of arms particularly in a year of elections.

Year by year the export of  weapons, in this case jets, to other countries allow keep their jobs an important sector of the population of the US by the production and research of this industrie.

This ocation is more sensitive since last year the US shut down the spatial program and in 2012 started the reduction of $400 bill. to 2015 of expenses in army contracts.
As mentioned in the article this deal will keep the productions of F-15 for three more years.


  1. F-15 is a discountinued air figther in the US military aparatus by the way. Nothing to do with the F-22 Raptor, so basically they are selling crap.

  2. Thanks for comment.
    You are completely right. It looks like the deals consist of upgrades of old F-15.


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